Our wide range of access control options gives you ultimate flexibility, reliability and security. There are two options on the type of closure sequence you can choose.
Step by step: A trigger is needed to make the gate open; a separate trigger then makes it close.
Automatic closure: a trigger starts a sequence of actions. The gate will open, pause, then close without a further trigger. This method is used in most situations.

Radio fobs
All gates have a built-in radio receiver which is triggered by fobs, typically 50m from the gate.
Standard fobs have 2 buttons, but 4 button fobs are available. Each button is registered to a specific gate, allowing you to control either 2 or 4 different gates from each fob.
The latest rolling code security technology prevents would be intruders scamming or cloning the frequency.
Hard wired back to the control panel, The keypad can be fixed to the gate frame or a post allowing the user to operate it from a vehicle window.
The codes can be changed when necessary. Most keypads can be set with one code, but multiple codes can be provided allowing perhaps a separate regularly changed code for casual workers without interfering with the mainstream code.
GSM intercoms use mobile phone technology to dial out from the unit to a land line or mobile phone. The intercoms can be programmed to phone up to 2 divert numbers if the first number doesn’t answer. Typically the first number could be the property landline, if that isn’t answered the manager’s mobile and then if that is not answered, a further person’s mobile. The answering person can then trigger the gate remotely by dialling 11 on the keypad of their phone.
Standard level: Any phone calling the intercom triggers the gate.
Higher level: Phone numbers need to be registered to the intercom one by one. Each number is designated a user number so the administrator can delete an individual user if required.
The intercom gives you the best way to control and welcome callers regardless of whether you are at home or away. GSM intercoms are set up and adjusted simply by an online web portal or by texting to it.
Where an entrance leads to multiple properties (for example industrial units or different flats) we can provide intercoms with 2 or 4 separate call buttons. If more are needed, we have a digital unit which can give up to 100 different destinations.
GSM intercoms allows users to dial the unit to trigger the gate by phoning the mobile number of the SIM card.
GSM Relay: A GSM switching device contains a SIM card like the intercom and allows persons to register their phones, dial in and trigger the gate.
Road sensors
Road sensors work by creating an electromagnetic field in the roadway. If an object containing enough iron passes over or by it the sensor will trigger the gate. The field becomes more sensitive the closer you get to the sensor.
We can install a road sensor on the approach to a gate, so it opens automatically for the visitor. This sensor would then be wired through a timer to disable it outside of hours. Timer modules can be added to open and close the gate at set times and to enable and disable other devices like road sensors. Different times can be set for each day throughout the week.
1. A simple round probe 200mm long by 25mm wide which is buried in the road and has a connecting cable which is linked back to the control system. This is not adjustable for sensitivity.
2. An inductive loop which consists of a rectangular slot cut into the tarmac or concrete roadway. A special cable is run around this cut and back to the control system. The cut out is then sealed up with tar or resin compounds. These loops are seen at most traffic light junctions to sense the traffic. These loops are adjustable for sensitivity and used to prevent barriers closing onto vehicles.